
training GMM
User: lyes
Date: 5/19/2009 6:08 am
Views: 5067
Rating: 13


I have a large wav file (about 1 hour of speak), to train it, I have extract MFCC parameters then I used HCompV to the iinitialization. I would like to use HERest (10 times or iterations) to obtain the so called UBM. can I do it without phone.mlf file because I dont see how to use it in my case.

Thanks a lot

Re: training GMM
User: kmaclean
Date: 5/19/2009 8:45 am
Views: 115
Rating: 9

Hi Lyes,

>I would like to use HERest (10 times or iterations) to obtain the so

>called UBM. can I do it without phone.mlf file

Sorry, I am not familiar with UBM.  You might try asking the HTK mailing list.


Re: training GMM
User: Visitor
Date: 5/19/2009 2:56 pm
Views: 116
Rating: 11

Hi ken,

In fact the problem of UBM is very simple. We have just to model all speakers with one set of GMM (one state of HMM). So my question is : I have one wav file and I'd like to train it. First, I had extract MFCC features then I used HCompV to initialize my model then I'm trying to obtain my HMM model by HERest as :

HERest -C config/config_train_mfcc -I label/label_EE4H_noSP.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S list/listTrainFulPath.scp -H hmmsTrained/hmm0/macros -H hmmsTrained/hmm0/models -M hmmsTrained/hmm1 lib/wordList_noSP

where "listTrainFulPath.scp" contain "C:\htk-3.3\bd/train_f_1_1.mfcc"

my problem is what should I write in "label_EE4H_noSP.mlf" and "lib/wordList_noSP".

Can you help me in this case. Thanks


Re: training GMM
User: kmaclean
Date: 5/25/2009 12:39 pm
Views: 73
Rating: 9

>my problem is what should I write in "label_EE4H_noSP.mlf" and "lib/wordList_noSP".

re: abel_EE4H_noSP.mlf - something analogous to: words.mlfwords.mlf?

re: lib/wordList_noSP - something analogous to: monophones0monophones0?

