
Regarding HLEd command..
User: Gururaj
Date: 12/15/2016 12:46 am
Views: 3854
Rating: 0

Hello everyone,

i am trying to run the HLEd command which is given in step 4 of this tutorial...

but when i run the command from my tutorial folder as told...i get the following error

ubuntu@ub:~/Julius_Linux/voxforge/tutorial$ $HLEd -A -D -T 1 -l '*' -d dict -i phones0.mlf mkphones0.led words.mlf
-A: command not found

what is the mistake here...can anyone guide me further.

thanks in advance.

Re: Regarding HLEd command..
User: colbec
Date: 12/15/2016 2:33 am
Views: 0
Rating: 0

It looks like the script is complaining about the switch -A but I don't think that is the case. If HLEd was running it would produce a different message if it did not like the -A.

Test 1: what do you get from "which HLEd"

and if that works, what does bare command "HLEd" produce?

Re: Regarding HLEd command..
User: Gururaj
Date: 12/15/2016 2:57 am
Views: 0
Rating: 0

which HLEd gives this path...


sorry i didn't get this bare command can you please explain it.

Re: Regarding HLEd command..
User: colbec
Date: 12/15/2016 5:22 am
Views: 0
Rating: 0

Ok so you do have HLEd installed and the sytem can find it, good.

Now just run the command HLEd without any switches such as -A and so on and we will see what happens.

The message you are getting seems to imply that when you run HLEd with all the switches the system is ignoring the HLEd part and trying to run the first switch -A as a programme, which of course it is not.

Re: Regarding HLEd command..
User: Gururaj
Date: 12/15/2016 6:28 am
Views: 1
Rating: 0

without any switches means i didn't get exactly what command i need to run

i tried with only HLEd...i got this...

ubuntu@ub:~/Julius_Linux/voxforge/tutorial$ HLEd

USAGE: HLEd [options] edCmdFile labFiles...

 Option                                       Default

 -b      suppress boundary times              off
 -d s    load dictionary from s               off
 -i s    Output transcriptions to MLF s       off
 -g f    Set min gap for FG command to f      50000.0
 -l s    Dir to store output label file(s)    current
 -m      Strip to monophones on loading       off
 -n f    Output list of all new labs to f     off
 -A      Print command line arguments         off
 -C cf   Set config file to cf                default
 -D      Display configuration variables      off
 -G fmt  Set source label format to fmt       as config
 -I mlf  Load master label file mlf
 -P      Set target label format to fmt       as config
 -Q      Print command summary
 -S f    Set script file to f                 none
 -T N    Set trace flags to N                 0
 -V      Print version information            off
 -X ext  Set input label (or net) file ext    lab

Re: Regarding HLEd command..
User: colbec
Date: 12/15/2016 8:18 am
Views: 0
Rating: 0

Right, that output is expected. As you can see from this output, the instruction HLEd works and the switch -A is perfectly valid. What seems to be happening is that when your system sees the command

HLEd -A ...

it skips over the HLEd and tries to interpret the -A as the command for the line and very properly reports that it cannot find an executable by that name. It is very puzzling. I don't know how to explain how this happens, except perhaps that in a script the HLEd and -A have become separated by a newline. What suggestions do you have?

Re: Regarding HLEd command..
User: Gururaj
Date: 12/15/2016 8:27 am
Views: 3
Rating: 0

I am totally new to i am following that instructions given that steps..but now i am stuck here so posted the question...what might be the solution for this...??

Re: Regarding HLEd command..
User: kmaclean
Date: 12/15/2016 8:55 am
Views: 3
Rating: 1

>ubuntu@ub:~/Julius_Linux/voxforge/tutorial$ $HLEd -A -D -T 1 -l '*' -d dict -i phones0.mlf mkphones0.led words.mlf
>-A: command not found

looks like you've typed in '$HLEd' as the command rather than 'HLEd'... please omit the dollar sign in front of HLEd (or any other command in the tutorial). tTe dollar sign is just there to indicate the bash prompt.

Bash interprets $HLEd as a variable, and since it is empty it tries to execute '-A' as a command and then borks...

Re: Regarding HLEd command..
User: Gururaj
Date: 12/15/2016 10:36 pm
Views: 2
Rating: 0

oh ya... thanks for the reply...i removed the dollar and ran the command.

now  i am getting the follwing errors

HLEd -A -D -T 1 -l * -d dict -i phones0.mlf mkphones0.led words.mlf

No HTK Configuration Parameters Set

  ERROR [+5010]  InitSource: Cannot open source file mkphones0.led
  ERROR [+1210]  ReadScript: Can't open file mkphones0.led
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program HLEd

Re: Regarding HLEd command..
User: colbec
Date: 12/16/2016 1:03 am
Views: 0
Rating: 0

When HLEd does not complain about dict, but does complain about other files, what does this say to you?
