
RE: Julius Speech Recognition
User: Gururaj
Date: 1/2/2017 12:50 am
Views: 2398
Rating: 0

Hello everyone,

i am using julius speech recognition for my application. i have one doubt regarding julius. i have downloaded the latest version and was successful in using its lib and making it work. the problem i am facing is..once the app starts and i call the voice recognition function in my takes the input from mic and displays whatever is said in the mic. but the function still continues to do so again and againn. The control will never come out of that function. here i am facing problem since the control is not returning back i am not able to proceed further. what i want is once the engine gets input from mic it should rcognize and stop there..which i tried to do by deleting the callback function but was unsuccessful.

Can anyone please guide me in this matter, what i need to do to get the desired output. it will be helpful for me.

Thanks in advance.
