
how to check if our dictionary is phonetically balanced?
User: chetto
Date: 12/9/2015 1:05 pm
Views: 2598
Rating: 0

Hi all, i want to check my dictionary if it is phonetically balanced. However, i am not sure how to do that. How to check it? There is a table that created above about count of each phone. How can i open that table for my dictionary?

Re: how to check if our dictionary is phonetically balanced?
User: kmaclean
Date: 12/10/2015 12:49 pm
Views: 25
Rating: 1

> i want to check my dictionary if it is phonetically balanced.

This is only an issue if you want to create unseen triphones in Step 10 (Note: this step also reduces the size of the acoustic model). 

If you stop at step 9, and use the hmmdef file in hmm12, then there is no need...

otherwise, if you want finish with step 10, you can use trial and error - i.e. create the sentences for your language, record them, follow the tutorial, and look at the logs (I think the main ones to look at would be the Step 8 HVite _logs) to see if there are problems with missing phones/triphones.

>is a table that created above about count of each phone. How can i open

>that table for my dictionary?

You will need to write a script: Python, Perl, Ruby...
