
step 5, error[+6311], error[+1014]
User: jackinx
Date: 8/29/2011 4:40 pm
Views: 5870
Rating: 7

Hi, I'm Jack Roh in IIT Delhi.

I solved previous one with

sudo rm /bin/sh

sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh


and Now I'm encounter another error with the title.

ERROR [+6311]  SaveBuffer: cannot create file ../train/mfcc/sample1.mfc

ERROR [+1014]  PutTargetFile: Could not save parm file ../train/mfcc/sample1.mfc

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04. 
Is there any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

Re: step 5, error[+6311], error[+1014]
User: jackinx
Date: 8/30/2011 12:15 am
Views: 188
Rating: 7

hm... I solved this step by making directory 'mfcc' in train folder.

It seems to could not making directory by itself.


anyway, I encounter another error with, making hmm1


Error[+6510] LOpen : Unable to open label file ../train/mfcc/sample1.lab

Fatal error - terminating program HERest


and hmm2

error 5010, 7010, 2321 occurs...


and in folder of train/mfcc/ there is no sample1.lab...

it was empty before I made this mfcc folder and rest of the files(sample1.mfc, sample2.mfc, ....) are generated by step 5's script :

is there any ideas?

Re: step 5, error[+6311], error[+1014]
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/1/2011 9:13 am
Views: 86
Rating: 4

>hm... I solved this step by making directory 'mfcc' in train folder.

>It seems to could not making directory by itself.

There is a command in the script to create this folder...

I think your link (i.e. sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh) might be causing some of these of these problems.


>Error[+6510] LOpen : Unable to open label file ../train/mfcc/sample1.lab

Is there anything in your Step5_HCopy.log file (in the logs directory)?
