
How to create dialplan using HTK into Asterisk
User: TRP
Date: 7/8/2013 1:34 am
Views: 4704
Rating: 4


We have follwed 'tutorial' and succesfully installed HTK and Julius.Now we want to integrate this speech recognition with Asterisk....can someone help me how can i write Dialplan for asterisk so we can give prompts through telephone...

Re: How to create dialplan using HTK into Asterisk
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/8/2013 6:54 am
Views: 495
Rating: 4
>can someone help me how can i write Dialplan for asterisk
One of these should give you an idea on how to proceed (from the cmusphinx page):
  • Cairo: Cairo provides an enterprise grade, Media Resource Control Protocol Version 2 (MRCPv2) compliant speech server solution utilizing sphinx 4.
  • Asterisk plugin: Integrates pocketsphinx into Asterisk.
  • Freeswitch: Asterisk alternative. It uses pocketsphinx to offer speech recognition.
  • jvoicexml: Free VoiceXML interpreter for Java with an open architecture for custom extensions.
  • Zanzibar: Zanzibar OpenIVR is a complete, standards based, open source IVR.
  • UniMRCP: open source MRCP implementation.