Audacity Audio Submissions

phoneme - 18
User: bjb
Date: 3/30/2012 9:42 am
Views: 3250
Rating: 7

Speaker Characteristics:


Gender: female;

Age range: adult;

Language: EN;

Pronunciation dialect: Canadian English.


Recording Information (don't worry if you can't find some of this information):


Microphone make: there is no name on it - whitebox;

Microphone type: desktop mic;

Audio card make: Analog Devices AD1989B;

Audio card type: integrated;

Audio Recording Software: Audacity rel 1.3.12-beta;

O/S: Debian Squeeze.


File Info: 


File type: FLAC;

Sampling rate: 48kHz;

Sample rate format: 16bit;

Number of channels: 1;

Audio Processing: no.

Copyright (C) 2012  [Brenda J. Butler]
These files are free software; you can redistribute them and/or
modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
These files are distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
vf18-01 You're a devil for fighting, and will surely win
vf18-02 I'll only be in the way
vf18-03 He lifted his eyes, and a strange cry burst from his lips
vf18-04 Shooting pains passed like flashes of electricity through his body
vf18-05 I know that you are in charge there, and Jeanne knows
vf18-06 For a full minute the two men stared into each other's face
vf18-07 He was sure, now, of but few things
vf18-08 It was a miracle, and I owe you my life
vf18-09 Philip ate lightly of the food which Pierre had ready for him
vf18-10 Such men believe, when they come together
vf18-11 The journey was continued at dawn
vf18-12 Jeanne and Pierre both gazed toward the great rock
vf18-13 There was something pathetic in the girl's attitude now
vf18-14 He moved his position, and the illusion was gone
vf18-15 For two hours not a word passed between them
vf18-16 I have hunted along this ridge, replied Philip
vf18-17 That's Thorpe's, said the young engineer
vf18-18 We saw your light, and thought you wouldn't mind a call
vf18-19 Billinger may arrive in time
vf18-20 There's the hitch, replied Thorpe, rolling a cigarette
vf18-21 I want my men to work by themselves
vf18-22 Philip saw MacDougall soon after his short talk with Thorpe
vf18-23 Neither could they understand the growing disaffection among Thorpe's men
vf18-24 Two weeks passed, and in that time Thorpe left camp three times
vf18-25 It was the third or fourth time that Philip had heard MacDougall swear
vf18-26 Blood was oozing slowly from the wounded man's right breast
vf18-27 He destroyed everything that had belonged to the woman
vf18-28 Philip bent low over Pierre
vf18-29 Did Thorpe go to see any one in Churchill
vf18-30 She saw the answer in his face
vf18-31 Thorpe and his men were to destroy this camp, and kill you
vf18-32 There is no need of further detail, now -- for you can understand
vf18-33 There followed a roar that shook the earth
vf18-34 Blind with rage, he darted in
vf18-35 In it was the joy of life
vf18-36 Swiftly his eyes measured the situation
vf18-37 But this little defect did not worry him
vf18-38 And then, steadily, he began to chew
vf18-39 Together they ate the rabbit
vf18-40 They edged nearer, and stood shoulder to shoulder facing their world

bjb-20120330.tgz bjb-20120330.tgz
Re: phoneme - 18
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/19/2012 6:05 pm
Views: 115
Rating: 7

link to actual audio: bjb-20120330.tgz
