Audacity Audio Submissions

indian voice
User: ronaldo11
Date: 8/11/2017 5:13 am
Views: 5041
Rating: 0

Speaker Characteristics:

Gender: male
Age range: Adult
Pronunication dialect: Gujarat, India

Recording Information:

Microphone: Built-in mic
Audio Card: Built-in audio card
Audio Recording Software: Arecord
O/S: Linux - Fedora Core 4 

File Info: 

File type: wav 
Sampling rate: 48000Hz
Sample rate format: 16bit 
Number of channels: 1


Copyright (C) 2010 MacLean

These files are free software; you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 

These files are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Transcriptions (i.e. the prompts file):

cc-01 Well, here's a story for you: Sarah Perry was a veterinary nurse
cc-02 who had been working daily at an old zoo in a deserted district of the territory,
cc-03 so she was very happy to start a new job at a superb private practice
cc-04 in north square near the Duke Street Tower.
cc-05 That area was much nearer for her and more to her liking.
cc-06 Even so, on her first morning, she felt stressed.
cc-07 She ate a bowl of porridge, checked herself in the mirror
cc-08 and washed her face in a hurry. Then she put on a plain yellow dress 
cc-09 and a fleece jacket, picked up her kit and headed for work.
cc-10 When she got there, there was a woman with a goose waiting for her.
cc-11 The woman gave Sarah an official letter from the vet.
cc-12 The letter implied that the animal could be suffering from a rare form
cc-13 of foot and mouth disease, which was surprising,
cc-14  because normally you would only expect to see it in a dog or a goat.
cc-15 Sarah was sentimental, so this made her feel sorry for the beautiful bird.
cc-16 Before long, that itchy goose began to strut around the office like a lunatic,
cc-17 which made an unsanitary mess.
cc-18 The goose's owner, Mary Harrison, kept calling, "Comma, Comma,"
cc-19 which Sarah thought was an odd choice for a name.
cc-20 Comma was strong and huge, so it would take some force to trap her,
cc-21 but Sarah had a different idea.
cc-22 First she tried gently stroking the goose's lower back with her palm,
cc-23 then singing a tune to her. Finally, she administered ether.
cc-24  Her efforts were not futile. In no time, the goose began to tire,
cc-25  so Sarah was able to hold onto Comma and give her a relaxing bath.
cc-26 Once Sarah had managed to bathe the goose, she wiped her off with a cloth
cc-27 and laid her on her right side. Then Sarah confirmed the vet's diagnosis.
cc-28 Almost immediately, she remembered an effective treatment
cc-29 that required her to measure out a lot of medicine.
cc-30 Sarah warned that this course of treatment might be expensive -
cc-31 either five or six times the cost of penicillin.
cc-32 I can't imagine paying so much, but Mrs. Harrison - a millionaire lawyer -
cc-33 thought it was a fair price for a cure.
cc-34 Comma Gets a Cure and derivative works may be used freely for any purpose
cc-35 without special permission provided the present sentence
cc-36 and the following copyright notification accompany the passage in print, 
cc-37 if reproduced in print, and in audio format in the case of a sound recording:
cc-38 Copyright two thousand Douglas N. Honorof, Jill McCullough & Barbara Somerville.
cc-39 All rights reserved.
rp-01 When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air,
rp-02 they act as a prism and form a rainbow.
rp-03 The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colors. 
rp-04 These take the shape of a long round arch, with its path high above,
rp-05 and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. 
rp-06 There is , according to legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end.
rp-07 People look, but no one ever finds it.
rp-08 When a man looks for something beyond his reach,
rp-09 his friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
rp-10 Throughout the centuries people have explained the rainbow in various ways.
rp-11 Some have accepted it as a miracle without physical explanation.
rp-12 To the Hebrews it was a token that there would be no more universal floods.
rp-13 The Greeks used to imagine that it was a sign
rp-14 from the gods to foretell war or heavy rain.
rp-15 The Norsemen considered the rainbow as a bridge
rp-16 over which the gods passed from earth to their home in the sky.
rp-17 Others have tried to explain the phenomenon physically.
rp-18 Aristotle thought that the rainbow was caused by
rp-19 reflection of the sun's rays by the rain.
rp-20 Since then physicists have found that it is not reflection,
rp-21 but refraction by the raindrops which causes the rainbows.
rp-22 Many complicated ideas about the rainbow have been formed.
rp-23 The difference in the rainbow depends considerably upon the size of the drops,
rp-24 and the width of the colored band increases as the size of the drops increases.
rp-25 The actual primary rainbow observed is said to be the effect of
rp-26 super-imposition of a number of bows.
rp-27 If the red of the second bow falls upon the green of the first,
rp-28 the result is to give a bow with an abnormally wide yellow band,
rp-29 since red and green light when mixed form yellow.
rp-30 This is a very common type of bow, one showing mainly red and yellow,
rp-31 with little or no green or blue.
ar-01 Once there was a young rat named Arthur who never could make up his mind.
ar-02 Whenever his friends asked him if he would like to go out with them,
ar-03 he would only answer, "I don't know;" he wouldn't say yes or no either.
ar-04 He would always shirk making a choice. His Aunt Helen said to him,
ar-05 "Now look here! No one is going to care for you if you carry on like this.
ar-06 You have no more mind than a blade of grass."
ar-07 One rainy day the rats heard a great noise in the loft.
ar-08 The pine rafters were all rotten, so that the barn was rather unsafe.
ar-09 At last the joists gave way and fell to the ground.
ar-10 The walls shook, and all the rats' hair stood on end with fear and horror.
ar-11 "This won't do," said the captain; "I'll send out scouts to search for a new home."
ar-12 Within five hours the ten scouts came back and said,
ar-13 "We found a stone house where there is room for us all.
ar-14 There is a kindly horse named Nelly, a cow, a calf, and a garden with an elm tree."
ar-15 The rats crawled out of their little houses and stood on the floor in a long line.
ar-16 Just then the old rat saw Arthur. Stop. he ordered coarsely.
ar-17 "You are coming, of course." "I'm not certain," said Arthur, undaunted,
ar-18 "The roof may not come down yet."
ar-19 "Well," said the old rat, "we can't wait for you to join us. Right about face! March!"
ar-20 Arthur stood and watched them hurry away.
ar-21 "I think I'll go tomorrow," he said calmly to himself, "but then again I don't know;
ar-22 it's so nice and snug here,".  That night there was a big crash.
ar-23 In the foggy morning some men with some boys and girls rode up and looked at the barn.
ar-24 One of them moved a board and saw a rat quite dead, half in and half out of his hole.
e0181 Would appreciate any feedback from talk so we can improve Thanks, Rick
e0182 This slipped thru the cracks- are we still going to do? Did you do it already?
e0183 I think you should arrange for a formal presentation of this material to myself and other folks
e0184 great news! i think the ad swap idea is one of the most creative things to happen around here in quite a while.
e0185 This is a good site to quickly find worldwide radio stations on the internet....can sort any way
e0186 Can be very interesting to "tune in" to see a world hot spot when something is happening.
e0187 I wasn't sure you'd know who sent it, but good guess!  He was quite pleased with himself.  Later.
e0188 Thanks.  I frequently pick up my first job after I complete my second shift at home.
e0189 That's why I got the nifty flat screen for my computer -- jealous??  Michelle
e0190 I had not seen any of this before they sent it to you, other than him telling me he was sending you the standard forms.
e0191 I am sure everything can be worked out.  Let me talk to him and get back to you.
e0192 Dan, what is the status of this deal?  I hadn't heard anything for a few days, and I knew we were on a tight time frame.
e0193 It would be most helpful if you give me a range of available dates for both preparation and the deposition itself.
e0194 Thanks for the info.  I just need simple, basic frames.  No decorations or anything.
e0195 That way, they can go anywhere, and aren't specific to a decor, theme, time of year, etc.
e0196 Tell him to chill out -- his client's deposition has been scheduled and rescheduled too many times to count.
e0197 Thanks for trying to call.  I am not surprised by this outcome.   I guess we're bargaining!
e0198 As I mentioned in my voice mail, here is a bullet-point synopsis of my accomplishments for the second half of 2000.
e0199 They must be hurting for business -- but I thought you might want to take a look at their site.
e0200 what do you think?  I suggest that we let them handle that, but defer to your opinion.
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