
Security exeption
User: courforest
Date: 10/13/2012 3:40 pm
Views: 7983
Rating: 14

 I have a error in java applet, i can't use it.


Security exeption

Illegal URL redirect


J'ai le message ci dessus quand j'essais de faire de nouveaux enregistrements.

Re: Security exeption
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/15/2012 1:58 pm
Views: 501
Rating: 14

>Illegal URL redirect

which O/S and Java version are you using?

You should also be able to go to the French speech submission web page directly:





Re: Security exeption
User: Visitor
Date: 10/16/2012 1:40 pm
Views: 592
Rating: 14

Thank you for the link but same problem.

Security exeption

Illegal URL redirect

_My OS -> ubuntu 12.04

for java version my unity dash show's me: oracle java7 and openJDK7

Maybe i'll try again booting on windows.

Thank you for your answer.

Re: Security exeption
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/16/2012 10:09 pm
Views: 414
Rating: 15

>Thank you for the link but same problem.

weird... I've got a netbook running ubuntu 12.04 (32-bit) and the applet seems to work fine in chrome.  Which browser/version are you using?

I found one description of what might be the problem here: Java: Security Exception - illegal url redirect,

but the link I gave you had the html and java applet on the same server...

might be a security setting in your browser or Java that might have set that I am not familiar with...

